
"not empty now."

dear chelsea,
you were born 1300 weeks ago today. that's a lot of sundays. have you made the most of your time thus far? that is debatable. let's review. you have gotten over your fear of eye-lash curlers, but you have yet to be able to wear lipstick without feeling like a little kid playing dress up. you started running again, and even though you look more like the tortoise than the hare, round, I mean, slow and steady, you still love the benefits of a clear mind and warmed muscles. you still talk to yourself, just like your mother, but it's a great way to focus your thoughts. after several years of coloring your hair, you are finally almost back to your natural color, and you are pleasantly surprised. what took you so long? you became a mother of two this year, after a natural child birth. you felt like wonder woman afterwards, but like the melting wicked witch of the west during (I am pretty sure you made similar screeching noises). although, becoming a family of four was worth it. your biggest accomplishment this year was practicing how to be happy. you've discovered that happiness is like anything else. it takes practice and work. anything that is worth any old thing does. your new daughter's easy and free smiles help your smiles to be easy and free. your oldest' big blue innocent, but intelligent eyes don't hurt either. you are worried these days about the number of people you know facing challenges. loss, anger, divorce, health, financial struggle. it all frightens you because you know you are not immune. it feels like a monster in the dark, looming. only a matter of time before the wave crashes over you, washing you in your trials. you wonder if you are strong enough. but somehow feel blessed, like you have had fair warning in all this reflection. you decide to grab your happy days and use them like photosynthesis (for lack of a less pretentious word). you also hate pictures of just your face, but you'll post one anyway. for posterity.
happy birthday chelsea, one quarter of a century old. yeah, that doesn't feel weird at all.
yours truly.
start writing again. it's cleansing.


Myke said...

Happy birthday yesterday!

Jen Beckstrand said...

Happy Birthday Chels! You are so beautiful and have so many great talents! I love being able to feel a little bit more connected to your life again! I've missed my friend :)

angela hardison said...

happy birthday!

(i totally know what you mean about the monster in the dark looming. sometimes i feel like there's gotta be a huge trial coming my way because i feel so blessed. it's kind of terrible.)

yes, keep writing.

diana said...

yes, write more. i, certainly enjoy it.

happy, happy birthday chels.

kate said...

beautiful. and yes, keep writing.

Celeste and Devyn said...

Happy late late Birthday Chelsea!!! Hope your day was fabulous. :)

sarah said...

happy ultra late birthday.

i second the p.s. reading your writing is cleansing to me.

The Weights said...

You are so beautiful chels! I can't wait to see your face so soon! I am so jealous of you writing skills!

Oh side note, I learned how to make bows that are a million times easier to make. I will show you when you are here.
Luv ya!

Tracy said...

Happy late birthday!
I feel like a tortoise when i run too!

kayleen said...

(you know i'm copying you with the birthday letter to myself, righ? okay. i'm glad we got that out of the way.)

eyelash curlers are really scary, but i still own one just in case. and lipstick is for our mothers. i don't know anyone our age who wears it. and i love your outlook on happiness -- takes practice just like everything else. happy, happy belated birthday. we love and miss you and yours.